I was once trained as a painter and come from a long line (is this a pun?) of painters, including my mother who was an incredible scene painter, Marian Boyer (Marshall). I paint mostly for myself and use painting in when I think of composition for video and other aesthetics. I did however host one solo painting exhibit in Ottawa at Venus Envy called Shitty Landscapes of which I sold all my paintings. Luckily I took some photos! How I love the photo arts. The show was a success but left me with nothing to show for it – except these photos! And one I kept for my mother. I conceived of the project first when blurring the lines of the city landscapes with my eyes and seeing shapes and colours, intersecting lines and colour blocks which reappear in much of my work. I saw the view from my apartment window at the time – a white wall with a black cable running though. I thought of other colour blocking paintings I loves, I thought of the orange glow caused by light pollution in my suburb where I grew up and the black poles that intersected it and I thought how “shitty” and how beautiful. I love it all.